Saturday, December 8, 2012

Missy Giraffe

Missy Giraffe is a chocolate overload cake! Her body is 14 layers of Lindt and Koko Black chocolate mud cake and milk chocolate ganache. Her head and legs are cake pops - mud cake offcuts mixed with dark chocolate ganache and formed into shape. Her muzzle and arms are rice krispie treats. Everything else is edible except for the 4 alphabet blocks which are styro blocks.
I made Missy's necklace using isomalt and Marina Sousa's bead mould.
These made-for-kiddies silicone cups are perfect for melting small amounts of isomalt in the microwave. They're great coz just wait for the isomalt to cool and harden, then just pop them out.
Aren't they pretty? Marina's bead moulds are expensive ranging from $30 upwards but well worth it.
 I also made some isomalt butterflies, here's one of them.
I prepared the cake board weeks in advance. First, I covered the board in white fondant, and left it for a few days to dry out nicely. I then made a template for airbrushing.
Airbrush the pink gingham design.
In the meantime, off to see Mr Bunnings again. PVC pipe with connectors. Also got painter's masking tape. My fellow cakie Lisa Brown suggested using masking tape for delicate surface instead of template to avoid wonky lines like what I got above.
Got hubby to attach the PVC pipe to the cake board, then wrap it up with a layer of baking paper and 3 layers of cling wrap to protect it. Oh, don't forget to run the pipe in the dishwasher and wrap with foil before attaching to the board. This is when I got carried away again. Got preoccupied shaping and cutting the support boards, so no in-between pics again.
The pipe is cut to length, attach a small cake board cut from foam board and cover everything in foil.
This forms a platform and support for Missy's head.
Shape head with cake offcuts and ganache, slice and shape RKT (rice krispie treats) for the muzzle. I attached the underside of the muzzle using ganache and held in place with cling wrap while waiting for ganache to set. While waiting, it's time to ganache the body.
 Body and head all ganached, very rough looking, wait for ganache to set.
Once hardened, smooth out with gloved hands dipped in hot water.
Cover in segments. I cut out a template from baking paper for Missy's chest and belly which will be covered in pink fondant later.
Missy all covered.
Add ears and nose.
Eyes and lids.
Add giraffe spots.
Add arms, legs, tail and horns.
This is the fun bit - Accessories!
Ran out of time to done all sides of the alphabet blocks so letters only on one side. Here's the isomalt butterfly and glossy lipstick.

Batty eyelashes are a must to add to the adorable factor. LOL.
Missy Giraffe all ready for a baby shower party. Message to the expectant mother? It's only a matter of time your baby girl will grow up to play with your makeup and jewellery! Hahaha.
"What's wrong mummy? Can't I play with these?"


  1. Such an awesome job as usual Trish.. you are a talented cake artist. I love the face.. such a pretty looking giraffe!!

    1. Thanks Helen and thanks for sharing my blog. Much appreciated. :-)


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