Friday, March 15, 2013

Bobblehead Surfer

Got a commission to make another bobblehead.... this time for a birthday cake for someone's husband who likes surfing. Start with my usual 50-50 modelling chocolate and fondant mix to make the head. This one's a bit challenging because the photos were not the most ideal. The only front shot was a younger version of the husband... a very much younger version, like 30 years younger! There were no side shot of the face and the other more recent pics were 3/4 views, which are the worst reference for sculpting coz 1/4 of the face is unknown.

Anyway, here's what I came up with...

Nice balancing on the surfboard for a person his age... tee hee hee. Unfortunately, the following day it got hot and humid and he had a tumble.... oops!
Plan B - scrap the body, keep the head. Gave him a new body and new pose. This one he's more stable sitting on some waves which I shaped from blue isomalt while it's still very hot... ouch!
Finished! Not sure of the degree of resemblance... fingers crossed. Will post pics of real Wayne with his bobblehead later. Stay tuned.


  1. So is that how you create such a wonderful piece of that bobblehead art right?? Thanks for sharing it with us. Good day and keep sharing your creative art with us.


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