Thursday, March 20, 2014

Australian Cake Decorating Championships 2014

My entry at the Australian Cake Decorating Championships at the Cake Bake and Sweets Show in Sydney this weekend. We had to leave at 6am yesterday to drive 3 hours to Sydney to submit my entry. I came at second place. Would've loved to be first but second is still great considering this is my first time entering a competition. 

The theme was "Nature's Best" so I've made a bobblehead of a famous UK cake artist (with her permission of course!), and she's Mother Nature in an apple orchard airbrushing the trees and apples to bring out their best colours. Don't know how clear you can see it in these pics, but I made her balanced precariously on a ladder that's tipping over and she's sorta lost her airbrush which is floating in the air and as a result, made splotches of paint on the tree and ground. 

Incidentally, the splotches are in the shape of her logo - that was her only condition of granting me permission to use her as my model, and that is to feature her logo. Please visit her facebook and give her a like!


  1. You did a smashing job (does anyone use that expression anymore???) Well it is wonderful anyway. A good likeness of Dawn and such a cute idea. Congratulations on your second-place entry. ( I haven't seen first place, but think you should have gotten it. ) Blessings!

  2. Thank you! First place was awesome, completely deserved to win I reckon.


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